- The unthinkable is the daily reality
- Twisted logic and absurdity are the norm
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Recommending "Child 44" to Wonderlanders
Child 44 is an extremely rare book. It is a thriller that is not entirely believable or convincing. Regardless, it gave me not a single dull moment in all of its 448 pages. The book set stage in Soviet Union, but I thought about Wonderland all the time while reading the book. I find striking similarity between the lives of Soviets in Child 44 and Wonderlanders:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
We celebrate our Hitler's birthday
[Received in an email message. Found later that it is from 鯨魚網站 by Spieler]
殺人魔王希特勒Adolf Hitler生於1889年4月20日,於1945年4月30日舉槍自盡於元首的防空洞內,死後幾桶汽油,一把番仔火,就結束他罪惡的一生。Hitler 殺的人很多,光是猶太人就六百萬人,殺人殺多到,連史達林在Katyn殺的幾萬波蘭軍官以及精英,也要賴在希特勒頭上。
然而遠在亞洲的台灣,雖然也不會在4月20日那天放假紀念希特勒,但是才上任一百多天的九劉政權,卻要在蔣介石的生日10月31日紀念放假,這種行徑跟舊 KMT有什麼兩樣?人家德國人不敢的,九劉政權就有guts,敢放?羞辱台灣人到這種地步!蔣介石不是二二八的元兇嗎?難道他有史達林的機會,可以將這個罪責賴給他人?還是九劉政權中有能言善道的,可以改變這歷史的事實?繼續吹捧蔣介石是「民族救星」?
Monday, September 8, 2008
IEEE changed our country name to “Taiwan, Province of China”
Here is an excerpt of a correspondence:
目前IEEE許多期刊使用的IEEE ScholarOne Manuscript Centra系統對台灣有國名誤用的情事。經了解,作者經該系統投稿時,該系統會要求作者須填上住址,其中有一欄為country code,該欄位是一個選單,台灣僅有一選項,為 “Taiwan, Province of China”。該系統之前使用的是”Taiwan, Republic of China”,我不知為何會被改為此一名稱,但我認為此事極為嚴重。因為這可能會嚴重影響國內會員投稿的意願,而且如果我們放任此一系統要求國內作者鍵入此一”國”名,那麼未來IEEE的期刊如果也改成此一”國”名,那我們還怎麼回應?所以我已經立即寫了一封信給IEEE總會主席表示嚴重關切,請見如下。
China believes that "A lie told a thousand times becomes truth", just as it believes that Japanese invasion into China was bad, but genocide in Tibet is good.
目前IEEE許多期刊使用的IEEE ScholarOne Manuscript Centra系統對台灣有國名誤用的情事。經了解,作者經該系統投稿時,該系統會要求作者須填上住址,其中有一欄為country code,該欄位是一個選單,台灣僅有一選項,為 “Taiwan, Province of China”。該系統之前使用的是”Taiwan, Republic of China”,我不知為何會被改為此一名稱,但我認為此事極為嚴重。因為這可能會嚴重影響國內會員投稿的意願,而且如果我們放任此一系統要求國內作者鍵入此一”國”名,那麼未來IEEE的期刊如果也改成此一”國”名,那我們還怎麼回應?所以我已經立即寫了一封信給IEEE總會主席表示嚴重關切,請見如下。
China believes that "A lie told a thousand times becomes truth", just as it believes that Japanese invasion into China was bad, but genocide in Tibet is good.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Mickey Mouse 拼經濟
中央廣播電台: 促銷柚子劉兆玄認購1600箱帶頭拼經濟
救景氣! 馬不只自己買禮盒還邀政府機關加入拚經濟
NOWnews -2008年9月4日
馬總統一大早就到果菜市場,幫忙攤販促銷中秋節水果禮盒,因為擔心經濟不景氣民眾不消費,馬總統自己就帶頭做起。總統不只自己買、總統府買,他甚至還要其他政府機關一起加入刺激買氣的行列。 馬英九表示,希望能由有消費能力的政府機關、公司行號,一起來幫助提振我們 ...
My daughter loves shopping. I will persuade her to run for President in 2012.
救景氣! 馬不只自己買禮盒還邀政府機關加入拚經濟
NOWnews -
馬總統一大早就到果菜市場,幫忙攤販促銷中秋節水果禮盒,因為擔心經濟不景氣民眾不消費,馬總統自己就帶頭做起。總統不只自己買、總統府買,他甚至還要其他政府機關一起加入刺激買氣的行列。 馬英九表示,希望能由有消費能力的政府機關、公司行號,一起來幫助提振我們 ...
My daughter loves shopping. I will persuade her to run for President in 2012.
Breaking news: enemy loves our president
李登輝發飆是事出有因的,因爲馬英九踩痛了他。日前馬英九聲稱兩岸是非國與國關係,這是公開糾正李登輝長期鼓吹的“國與國的關係,至少是特殊 國與國的關係”的觀點。李登輝當然會不滿了。但是,李登輝的“兩國論”害死台灣,使得兩岸失去了長期賴以生存的互信基礎,導致台灣長期籠罩在惡劣的氣氛當 中,遺害極大,今天再不糾正,兩岸關係無法改善,台灣難於獲利。
中國評論: 社評:大陸全力支持馬英九執政拼經濟
中評社香港9月8日電(評論員 鍾維平)在台灣經濟不斷向下盤旋,民生日愈受到衝擊,經濟影響政治,馬英九政府聲望節節後退的最麻煩時刻,大陸出手了。經過一段時間的研究,大陸推出了有利台灣經濟發展的新政策。
A great distinction Wonderlanders have earned for themselves is that they elected in 2008 a president who is so well loved by their enemy (one that aims thousands of missiles at them).
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A brainwashing propaganda disguised as news

中華聯合數位映像(NOWnews): 馬總統愛心認購月餅促銷並分送全國166所原住民學校(2008/09/05 22:42) 馬總統不只是買水果,幾天前他還買了四千兩百盒月餅分送給弱勢團體。"拚了!馬訂購8400盒月餅,分送弱勢。"
Since this is labeled: 記者王宗銘/台北報導, it presented itself as a news report. But if it were really a news report, it should not have had a title like '馬總統愛心...'. It might be true that Ma bought 四千兩百盒月餅分送給弱勢團體, but 記者王宗銘 could never know that this was out of 愛心. Knowing Ma, it was more likely a show with no sincerity and is done completely at the tax payers' expenses. 愛心 in the title immediately disqualify the writeup as news.
This NOWnews news report serves to explain why Wonderlanders cannot easily tell the differences between news and opinions. This in turn explains why our Wonderland has a long way to go to become civilized.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Why gamblers vote for KMT
自由電子報: 相信馬上好 股民慘賠走絕路
The above news was about a gambler 何景宗 who voted for Ma. He voted for Ma not for any right reasons when people should vote for a president:
In short, he was not choosing a president, he was speculating on a short term cash gain. Worse, his speculation was not based on Ma's track records which showed Ma to be non-credible and unelectable. The voter behaved like a banker who would loan money to a person with the worst credit rating simply because the person said : "I will pay you back with handsome interest".
Added to gamblers like 何景宗, there were many who gambled on the outcome of the election. Regardless of what a gambler was gambling on, the number of voting gamblers in Wonderland was sizable and they voted not based on the merits of the candidates, but on greed. KMT and the so-called news media systemetically painted a picture that Ma would win big. They manufactured polls like this: 聯合:56%選馬18%投謝 蘋果:36%投馬19%選謝. This had the simple effect of turning greed-driven gambling voters to campaign for Ma so they could cash in some easy money.
While my sympathy goes to 何景宗 for his wasteful death, I think of millions of innocent Wonderlanders who suffer so because of gamblers like him.
The above news was about a gambler 何景宗 who voted for Ma. He voted for Ma not for any right reasons when people should vote for a president:
- ability
- high morality
- vision
- the future of the country
In short, he was not choosing a president, he was speculating on a short term cash gain. Worse, his speculation was not based on Ma's track records which showed Ma to be non-credible and unelectable. The voter behaved like a banker who would loan money to a person with the worst credit rating simply because the person said : "I will pay you back with handsome interest".
Added to gamblers like 何景宗, there were many who gambled on the outcome of the election. Regardless of what a gambler was gambling on, the number of voting gamblers in Wonderland was sizable and they voted not based on the merits of the candidates, but on greed. KMT and the so-called news media systemetically painted a picture that Ma would win big. They manufactured polls like this: 聯合:56%選馬18%投謝 蘋果:36%投馬19%選謝. This had the simple effect of turning greed-driven gambling voters to campaign for Ma so they could cash in some easy money.
While my sympathy goes to 何景宗 for his wasteful death, I think of millions of innocent Wonderlanders who suffer so because of gamblers like him.
Wanderlanders sound off: get out, you 馬英九!
自 由電子報: 馬英九在接受墨西哥太陽報專訪時,大言不慚地抹殺台灣的國家主權地位。 他說:兩岸的關係應該不是兩個中國,雙方是一種特別的關係,但不是國與國的關係。此話再度印證, 馬總統所說的不獨是真的,不統是假的。
Wanderlanders: 馬英九 you do not belong here!
China listen up: Wanderlanders are no Chinese!
Wanderlanders: 馬英九 you do not belong here!
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China listen up: Wanderlanders are no Chinese!
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Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Through KMT's magical looking glass
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According to KMT, the right picture has 20 times more people than the left picture.
More 830 anti-Ma rally pictures are here:
- 讚! 漂亮! http://www.1949er.org/chat/
index.php3?read+1220152257 - http://picasaweb.google.com/lubyliao/830#
- http://albums.tomoro.net/Jerome/830/
- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/
kajin1967/article?mid=851& prev=855&next=740 - http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/
kajin1967/article?mid=855& prev=-1&next=851 - http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/
kajin1967/gallery?cfid=55& post=%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%A8&edit=% E7%B7%A8%E8%BC%AF&delete=%E5% 88%AA%E9%99%A4&fids%5B%5D=54& fids%5B%5D=54&fids%5B%5D=54& fids%5B%5D=54&fids%5B%5D=54& fids%5B%5D=54&fids%5B%5D=54& fids%5B%5D=54&fids%5B%5D=54& post=%E7%99%BC%E8%A1%A8&edit=% E7%B7%A8%E8%BC%AF&delete=%E5% 88%AA%E9%99%A4&act=&fid=55& nfid=&yuid=kajin1967&page=1&. crumb=jnjYf89uDcN - http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The incomprehensible Wonderlanders
Here is a snapshot of 2008-09-03: 中央日報網路報 社評 that attacks 830 rally. It starts with this picture
Then, it says:
There are three things notable that I list from the least surprising to the most.

There are three things notable that I list from the least surprising to the most.
- KMT lies and distorts facts as it does every moment of the day.
- The presence of the picture completely contradicts the written words. Why does 中央日報 include the picture?
- KMT's complete lack of human decency does not bother the Wanderlanders. Many ask why Wonderlanders don't get angry. TVBS continues to be one of the most popular TV channels and 聯合報、中國時報 continue to be widely read. It is speculated that, in spite of the amazing 830 anti-Ma rally, Ma would still be elected if the election were repeated on 2008-08-31, the day following.
Monday, September 1, 2008
How KMT sees 830: 名不正 言不順 動員能量受影響
First, 830 pictures:
A pictorial comparison follows:
So you think 中央日報 is a bad lying wolf? In contrast, according to 08-30 大話新聞, many KMT media chose not to report 830.
聯合報: 有關遊行人數,馬總統昨公開提及「將近五萬人」,與台灣社宣稱卅萬人有極大落差,引發綠營不滿。總統府發言人王郁琦解釋,遊行群眾數據由警政署提供,實際人數約四萬三千人,「這是警方的數據,不是總統府的數據」。
周福來 on 中華聯合數位映像: 台灣社主辦830「百日怒吼,全民站出來」大遊行落幕了,雖說是護主權,但主題不明顯,意在嗆馬,但力道也不夠,倒比較像是民進黨支持者的嘉年華會,熱鬧有餘而精彩不足。 民進黨主席蔡英文就任後首次參加大型群眾運動,她說「感覺還不錯」到底意指為何,是遊行散步感覺很好,還是大拜拜搖旗吶喊很爽,真的就不得而知。
Next, KMT media and pundit reports.
A pictorial comparison follows:
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聯合報: 有關遊行人數,馬總統昨公開提及「將近五萬人」,與台灣社宣稱卅萬人有極大落差,引發綠營不滿。總統府發言人王郁琦解釋,遊行群眾數據由警政署提供,實際人數約四萬三千人,「這是警方的數據,不是總統府的數據」。
周福來 on 中華聯合數位映像: 台灣社主辦830「百日怒吼,全民站出來」大遊行落幕了,雖說是護主權,但主題不明顯,意在嗆馬,但力道也不夠,倒比較像是民進黨支持者的嘉年華會,熱鬧有餘而精彩不足。 民進黨主席蔡英文就任後首次參加大型群眾運動,她說「感覺還不錯」到底意指為何,是遊行散步感覺很好,還是大拜拜搖旗吶喊很爽,真的就不得而知。
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