Thursday, November 27, 2008

26,000,000 Taiwanese ruled by 20 KMT elites

The absurdity in the Wonderland is completely out of proportion and beyond comprehension. In November 2008, Taiwanese totally lost control of their destiny. Ma seems to be the only person calling shots, others are at best puppets.

On the surface, the ruling party is KMT. But when a Chinese Communist Party officer comes in town early November,
  • He is treated like God, beyond logic, beyond belief and completely out of proportion
  • KMT went all out to make its flag invisible and illegal
The clueless Taiwanese elected Ma as president in March; they have no clue that CCP is now the real boss.

There are a handful of people that are beyond and above law. Examples are
  • Ma: even after he was indicted, he was treated like king in court. The prosecutors and judges all defended him.
  • Diane Lee: She cannot be touched. The government stonewalled any and all requests for investigation into her US citizenship just as it stonewalled any and all requests to investigate Ma's US permanent residence visa!
How many of such untouchables are there?

What happens when Taiwan is finally in the hands of CCP? Will these handful of untouchables be well treated for their services to China in handing over Taiwan? I strongly doubt it. But these people all are protected by umbrellas such as US citizenship, etc.

The more intriguing question is what will happen to the KMT underlings?
These are peole who are not in the inner circle. They are sort of like Nazi collaborators, carry out the dirty work, but are not decision makers. They are not pure blooded Chinese like Ma. Examples are Wang, Wu, Chiu. They are dispersible. They have not the slightest hope when Ma handed Taiwan over to China. Let us ask a silly question: what is going to happen to a KMT cadre in Nantou county?

True. Many of these people are also protected by some kind of umbrella. But is it worth it?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Freddy: 馬英九,你是台灣人的國仇家恨!! and 國仇家恨記者會 問答

Please visit 台灣青年逆轉本部.

Freddy: 馬英九,你是台灣人的國仇家恨!! 2008/11/22


雲 林檢調單位於十一月四日凌晨六點,未經約談調查程序,便大舉搜索雲林縣政府縣長室及縣長官邸,並立即拘提蘇治芬縣長;歷經十多小時的疲勞訊問,五日凌晨 六點,雲林地方法院裁示交保候傳,蘇治芬為示清白放棄交保,高舉被銬上的雙手步入警車,絕食超過200小時,直到無保釋放。

陳雲林來台 期間,台灣公民體驗了「戒嚴傳統,全新感受」中國國民黨政府縱容(命令)警察在台北城公然以暴力侵害人權。在圓山飯店週邊,看人拿攝影機、相機就搶奪抬 離,在國賓飯店週邊封鎖交通,看人穿具有抗議理念的T恤就拉去撞牆、強行拖離;看人舉旗子(不論是國旗或雪山獅子旗)就沒收折斷!在行政院前,薛香川試 圖用威權語言打發學生不成,出動警察強力架離靜坐學生;新竹科學園區上班的公民得被檢查證件、在高速公路行駛的車輛得被警察在交流道檢查後車廂!連上揚唱 片放音樂,分局長李漢卿竟公然違法帶隊侵入民宅,強迫停放音樂,硬拉下鐵門,到現在態度依然囂張,高呼自己還會再做一次!

人 民毆打傷害。你最好準備更多監獄,準備更多手銬,成千上萬個手銬,因為,我們已經準備好了,所有渴望自由的台灣人民都準備好了,準備抗暴,請將我們的雙手 戴上手銬!請把我們押入牢籠,因為,我們已準備好,隨時用肉身迎向警棍,準備好被國家暴力的對待,因為,這個政府,現在就是如此對待人民!




國仇家恨記者會 問答

前言: 台灣人民奮鬥了幾十年, 終於享有了人權與自由, 這是我們國家最重要的價值, 這些價值被誰剝奪, 誰就是我們的敵人, 是我們的國仇. 這段期間很多人只是發表不同意見就被警察打 被公權力壓迫, 許多人的親友家屬都緊張害怕與憤怒, 我被警察打, 家人都很憤怒, 一直打電話叫我要小心, 這不是家恨 是什麼? 而馬政府不檢討 不道歉 不懲處, 我們用"國仇家恨"這四個字, 剛好而已!!

* 錢從哪裡來:
我做事都是先衝再說. 如果要等到確定誰要給你錢才做事, 這不是逆轉本部的風格. 現在陸續有許多小額捐款支持, 我們要感謝大家. 另外也感謝自由時報讓我們到月底才付款.

* 聽說是扁還是謝出錢的?:
你聽誰說就去問誰, 我不想回應這些沒有根據的言論。

* 那你們未來還有什麼計畫?:
大家慢慢就會看到, 就像這次做這張戰報, 做了大家就知道. 我們如果要做啥會先說, 那就不是逆轉本部了啦,科科。

* 難道那些暴民不該被譴責嗎? :
請 問暴民是怎麼定義的? 暴民是怎麼起來的? 他們是去搶銀行還是有燒殺擄掠? 被警察違法打人而被迫反擊, 這算什麼暴民? 記者被警察打,難道也是暴民嗎?記者還有內政部長親自去道歉,一般人民呢? 政府不用向被國家暴力傷害的人民道歉?我們絕非鼓勵暴力,但請大家想想,是怎樣的政府,會讓人民被逼的走上街頭,變成馬英九政府口中所謂的「暴民」。

* 昨天警察有出來說明, 說你們廣告上面用的照片當事人 周威佑 是被寶特瓶打到, 不是被警察打:
他 們這樣的態度, 再次表現馬政府公權力的傲慢. 他們用個案來模糊焦點, 而迴避我們所質疑的那段時間公權力全面性的違法, 限縮人民的自由與人權. 許多人跟我一樣, 只是穿理念的T-shirt,拿個旗幟,就被警察言語恐嚇,架住撞牆毆打, 我相信包括在場的民眾, 還有警察自己, 還有馬政府, 他們都知道這樣的違法情事. 我要呼籲他們不要再只是選擇個案來回應, 模糊公權力集體暴力的問題, 這樣只是繼續激化人民對政府的憤怒.

* 你們為甚麼不反扁 反貪腐? :
台灣人奮鬥幾十年來所擁有的自由與人權 , 在這幾個月嚴重倒退, 人民走在路上可能被警察打, 言論自由被公權力壓迫 , 這是國仇家恨, 比什麼都還重要. 請不要用其他的事情來模糊焦點.

* 你們選舉的時候支持謝長廷, 你們做的事情不是謝或是民進黨授意的嗎?:
你以為我Freddy或是逆轉本部想要幹麼,還需要去問誰或經過誰的同意嗎? 你們以為有人可以授意我們做什麼事情,那各位可以自己去問這些你們提到的人。

* 那你選後還有跟謝長廷 陳水扁 還是民進黨聯絡嗎?:
我的朋友很多, 音樂圈 電影圈 政治圈, 還有一種叫金屬猴魔圈的, 我想跟誰聯絡是我的事情, 我沒必要跟誰報告。

最 後 , 我們要再次重申, 我們的名字是"台灣青年逆轉本部" , 我們是獨立的單位, 不隸屬於任何政黨或政治人物, 請不要替我們戴帽子畫顏色,什麼謝長廷逆轉勝總部 民進黨青年軍 台灣青年軍 等等都不是,這也會對被扯到的其他單位或個人產生困擾, 請你們以後能夠把簡單的這八個字看清楚, 我們是 台灣青年逆轉本部

有許多網站可以看到更多台灣政府以暴力對待人民 壓迫言論自由的照片與影片, 以下列舉幾個:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

郭峰淵: A story of two hypocrites

  • 當前的要務是行憲…我們主張…以悲憫之心優先解決人民切身的問題,以培養自由、人權、法治的文化,促使公民社會早日出現
  • 當局對言論自由的打 壓、對法治的扭曲、對若干人權的漠視,使人開始憂慮非自由主義民主特徵的浮現
  • 我們將努力…透過一場又一場高素質的辯論過程,建立台灣公共政策辯論 的理性文化
  • 答案是馬總統。
  • 經濟搞到天天有人全家大小燒炭
  • 台灣商品品質和食品衛生每下愈況
  • 今天的台灣,則是沒能力但卻惡意的亂領導
  • 但上述描述不是針對二○○八年,而是二○○六年著名評論家南方朔的專欄用語
  • 而今天的南方朔又說什麼呢?
  • 他說「連續五天的暴力失控,打人有理,政府畏首畏尾的讓步」。
  • 和平的二○○六年台灣被扭曲
  • 「燒炭」、「食品衛生每下愈況」,「自焚」 的二○○八年,人民遭受警察暴力則被形容成「政府畏首畏尾的讓步」。

中國人 不可理喻

◎ 郭峰淵

是 誰說「當前的要務是行憲…我們主張…以悲憫之心優先解決人民切身的問題,以培養自由、人權、法治的文化,促使公民社會早日出現」;「當局對言論自由的打 壓、對法治的扭曲、對若干人權的漠視,使人開始憂慮非自由主義民主特徵的浮現」;及「我們將努力…透過一場又一場高素質的辯論過程,建立台灣公共政策辯論 的理性文化」?誰又在當選之後國家立刻民不聊生,警察濫權,無故侵犯民間商店,蠻橫的禁拿國旗,拿股市名嘴開刀?答案是馬總統。

然後,如果 有文章述說「經濟搞到天天有人全家大小燒炭」、「台灣商品品質和食品衛生每下愈況」、「今天的台灣,則是沒能力但卻惡意的亂領導」,你會以為這是在描寫二 ○○八年的台灣。畢竟,今天的台灣因馬政府的無能,搞得民不聊生、人民因毒奶粉受苦,還有自焚的災難,並有很多人民因為反對馬政府而走上街頭,甚至遭受警 察暴力。但上述描述不是針對二○○八年,而是二○○六年著名評論家南方朔的專欄用語。而今天的南方朔又說什麼呢?他說「連續五天的暴力失控,打人有理,政 府畏首畏尾的讓步」。難道這是個精神錯亂的世界?和平的二○○六年台灣被扭曲成「燒炭」、「食品衛生每下愈況」,「自焚」的二○○八年,人民因遭受警察暴 力則被形容成「政府畏首畏尾的讓步」。


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

台灣人不愛看書: a huge crisis

[My comments at the end]

前衛出版社 清倉賣庫藏書











Sad comments:

  • 前衛出版社社長林文欽 is right: 台灣人不愛看書.
  • A visit to bookstores will show 台灣人對知識追求的熱情退步、社會氛圍墮落,只剩美食、養生、投資理財、八卦、陰陽命理書籍還暢銷. In August 2008, I visited biggest bookstores in Taiwan and asked for 彭琳淞's「馬英九這個人」and 謝志偉's books. They are not in the main display areas. They are very difficult to find, if available at all.
  • If Taiwanese are to become first rated world citizens, they must be well read. That is how they can avoid electing someone like Ma, ever again.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

陳雲林 馬戲團

In what way do Taiwanese approve of 陳雲林's visit and signing of any documents? Fact is, PEOPLE are excluded from any such decisions. There is absolutely no participation from anyone other than a small cadre of KMT elites. Therefore this is a secret dealing between KMT and CCP. I conclude that
  1. Taiwanese must most strongly state that anything signed is strictly between KMT and CCP and has absolutely nothing to do with Taiwan
  2. Taiwanese have no obligation to pay the thousands and millions of dollars lavishly spent on treating 陳雲林 like a king. Since KMT has been using our money to pay for this purely KMT/CCP affair, we must demand an immediate payback.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

National flag No! Enemy's flag Yes!
警毀國旗 反護五星旗

YouTube Video

This is so deliciously absurd, if only it were a novel. But since it happens in my country, I wish it were only a nightmare. Oh my gosh! You know what? I think I just lost my country.




YouTube上面這段影片:「搖頭!警毀國旗 反護五星旗」,網址是 請你用力的傳!狠狠的傳!不管你是綠的、藍的,把通訊錄裡面的名單全部勾起來,全部給他傳出去!我們要一個答案:為什麼在自己國家裡,國旗會被沒收?但是 用一千多顆飛彈對準我們的中國,不承認我們這個國家的中華人民共和國,它的五星旗卻可以大方飄搖展示,還受到我們繳稅供養的治安人員保護?為什麼馬政府會 接受中國這種屈辱的條件?



In Taiwan we just have the Republic of China, but there are no people

Washington, D.C.

Roger C. S. Lin et. al.
United States of America

There is an old joke about a Taiwanese gentleman living in the United States. He was talking to a group of American friends who were planning on vacationing in Asia, and trying to explain about the situation of Taiwan. He said if they wanted to get more information about Taiwan in the library, internet, travel fairs, etc. they should remember to use the full title of "Taiwan Republic of China."

The friends were somewhat puzzled by this, and asked: "Isn't the full name of China actually just People's Republic of China"?

The Taiwanese fellow thought for a moment, then said: "No, in Taiwan we just have the Republic of China, but there are no people."

Surprisingly, this joke provides a good introduction to the US Court of Appeals case of Roger Lin et. al. v. United States of America, which is commencing in Nov. 2008. As most people know, native Taiwanese people currently carry Republic of China passports and other identification documents. However, the basic rationale for this lawsuit is that (1) no international legal documents have ever recognized the transfer of Taiwan's sovereignty to the Republic of China, (2) neither the United States nor any other leading world nation recognizes the Republic of China as a sovereign state, hence (3) native Taiwanese people cannot be correctly classified as having "Republic of China nationality."

Dr. Roger Lin and the other Plaintiffs/Appellants assert that under the US Immigration and Nationality Act, the Sentate-ratified San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1952, and related US Supreme Court precedent, native Taiwanese persons must be correctly classified as "US national non-citizens."

Based on this interpretation, beginning in October 2005, Dr. Roger Lin initiated written communications with the Taipei Office of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Receiving no response, he then lead a large group of native Taiwanese persons to AIT on March 29, 2006, with US passport applications in hand, and expressed the desire to apply for US national non-citizen passports. However, AIT denied all of the applicants physical entry to its premises.

With the help of a prominent Washington D.C. law firm, a number of these applicants filed suit in the United States District Court, Washington D.C., on Oct. 24, 2006. In a decision dated March 18, 2008, the District Court recognized that native Taiwanese people, including the Plaintiffs/Appellants, have been essentially stateless for nearly sixty years. However, the Court felt that the lawsuit presented political questions which were outside of its jurisdiction.

In early November 2008, the Appellants presented their first Brief to the US Court of Appeals, Washington D.C. Using extensive legal analysis, comparative historical & economic overviews, in accompaniment with many case references, the Brief stresses that this lawsuit does not present a "nonjusticiable political question." Rather, the needed adjudication is a straightforward matter of ascertaining the Appellants' civil rights under US laws, Senate-ratified treaties, the US Constitution, and the existing framework for relations with the people of Taiwan as established by the US Executive Branch.

All people concerned about the future democratic development of Taiwan are invited to read the entire Brief for complete details.

November 3, 2008

Brief (.pdf) 53 pages

Cover Page (stamped) (.pdf) 1 page

Joint Appendix (.pdf) 381 pages

Monday, November 3, 2008

Displaying national flag is a crime II

Taiwan News: Dear President Ma, where have all the Taiwan flags gone?

... excessive police use of force by banning people from unfurling Taiwan's national flags has been blasted by the public for making northern Taiwan under the “martial law.” ...

Displaying national flag is a crime

Wonderlanders must be proud of this ultimate absurdity: displaying national flag is not a pride, it is a crime!

警毀國旗 反護五星旗 (YouTube Video)