Thursday, December 31, 2009

馬英九: 反對ECFA公投
吳敦義: ECFA公投沒必要
中國國民黨: 拿出勇氣在總統大選拒領公投票

Tim Maddog tweeted about Wu Den-yih (吳敦義)'s opposition to referendums:

: Wu Dumb-yih: "Referendums are not forbiddenBut we should avoid them unlessabsolutely necessary" (Q: Who decides?)

Is referendum really so uncommon and unnecessary as 中國國民黨 so successfully brainwashed Taiwanese to believe? I googled sample ballot pdf and got 130,000 hits. I include the first hit as a gif. It is page 1 of the 2004-11-02 ballot of the GENERAL ELECTION. FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. The last three paragraphs on the right most column are three referendums.
Referendum is as natural as breathing in America. How about in Taiwan?
As long as 中國國民黨 is in power, it will continue to strip away people's birthrights of referendum.
The upper left corner of my blog provides a summary of how 中國國民黨 has denied people's referendum rights ever since it started its existence 85 years ago.
KMT has not allowed people proper referendum rights since it began its existence on 1925-08-25.

蔡丁貴教授 等2008年10月25日立法院開始靜坐 to request a real referendum law., 距今 433 天 (as of 2009-12-31)

馬英九昨日接受自由時報專訪 馬:反對ECFA公投


- [ Translate this page ]2009年9月29日 ... 對于是否贊成公投決定ECFA內容的問題﹐吳敦義回答表示﹐公投的意義在于政府無法做出決定﹐才會走到公投這一步。現在國會人才優秀﹐是可以信任的﹐看不 ...

勞權網:反公投入聯聯盟要求中國國民黨勿被民進黨綁架立即宣布拒領公投票反 ...

- [ Translate this page ]反公投入聯行動聯盟今天前往中國國民黨中央陳情,呼籲中國國民黨支持聯盟「反對公投亂大選」立場,拿出勇氣在總統大選拒領公投票。中國國民黨組織發展委員會副主委杜建德出面接 ...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Taiwanese are second class citizens
  in their own land

2009-12-21 (3/13) 大話新聞
Chinese waved PRC flags and sang songs in Taichung airport to welcome the arriving Chinese envoy Chen Ying-Lin, while Taiwanese were forbidden to enter the airport.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Taiwan: a country in which carrying national flag runs the risk of being beaten by police

That is not all. The police then get promotion by the President Ma Ying-Jeou. Can you believe that Taiwanese happily pay for this meeting that is strictly between CCP and KMT, with zero participation form either Taiwanese in general or opposition DPP? Don't miss the video at the end.

江陳會掛不掛國旗? 江宜樺: 不必特別愛國


【連線報導】海基會副董事長高孔廉昨在中國福州與海協會副會長鄭立中完成第四次江陳會預備性磋商,雙方敲定海協會長陳雲林二十一日抵台,二十二日與海基會 董事長江丙坤會談,隨後陳將前往日月潭等中台灣風景區參訪,二十五日返中。本土社團「搶救台灣行動聯盟」嗆聲,已準備十八套劇本,「這將是台中市有史以來 最大規模的大遊行。」他們將如影隨形,讓陳感受台中人民的「熱情」。


由 於去年江陳會在台北舉行時,發生民眾手持國旗遭警方拉扯、沒收,內政部長江宜樺昨說:「今年不會對國旗有不同的規定,我們希望原來可以、應該掛國旗的地 方,照樣掛國旗。」江並強調:「當然我們也不希望群眾表示特別愛國,在廁所或沖水馬桶什麼地方都要掛一面國旗。」江還說,如果民眾手持國旗是要以旗竿做為 攻擊他人的武器,警方當然必須採取防範性作為。《蘋果》追問,若在不該懸掛國旗的地方掛國旗,警方將如何處理?江未正面回應,只說:「只要不妨礙(江陳 會),也不是刻意挑釁,都不會取締!」


也 在管制區內的卡吉雅比托兒所,一名保育員昨說,警方告知若仍要上課,所方須製作家長名冊,供警方發通行證,社會處則告知可協助將幼童安置到鄰近的市立托兒 所,但家長拒絕。中市警局副局長余輝茂說,警方暫定十八至二十五日實施管制,一決定將立刻公告;警方絕不會強硬要求業者停業,至於家長造冊及發通行證,是 在情況嚴重失控時才會做。

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Taiwan: A land of schizophrenics

On 2009-12-09, Ma Ying-Jeou apologized to Chinese KMT supporters when addressing Chinese KMT 中常會, a group of supposedly outstanding Chinese in Taiwan. Even though I did not hear his speech (see full text below), I can imagine audiences applauded enthusiastically in great appreciation of Ma's wisdom. Ma's utterance so distorted reality that, in a civilized society such as Spain or United States, he would be considered a lunatic and a liar with no conscience, and put in an asylum. In Taiwan, Ma was elected president and his speech applauded.

According to him, the Chinese KMT's defeat in the recent election had to do with former president Chen Shui-Bian being treated fairly by the judicial system. To be able to hint at that Taiwan is a land ruled by law, or that Chen was treated fairly takes someone like Ma who is devoid of any conscience. Please read about how Chinese KMT, like CCP in China, owns the judicial system in: 台灣極不公平的司法是人民最大公敵
Taiwan's extremely unfair judicial system is public enemy number one

Next, read Ma's gobbledygook:
一年多來,對於陳前總統涉及的弊案,不少支持者責怪我們辦得太慢,又怪我們沒有讓陳聰明檢察總長下台。另外一方面,很多綠營人士罵我們羈押陳前總統這麼 久,侵犯人權。其實陳前總統的弊案是司法案件,總統不能介入的,當然不會去介入。檢調辦案必須講求證據,不能隨部份輿論起舞。檢察總長有任期保障,這也是 立法院通過的法律,沒有違法失職證據就拉他下台,這是法治的社會嗎?掌握政治權力的人不介入司法,代表台灣真正的進步,卻被罵得很慘,說我故意討好綠營、 怕事。我寧可挨罵,也不能介入;即使付出代價,也在所不惜。我們執政的理想是要在台灣建立優質、正常的民主社會。道路雖然漫長,只要勇敢跨出去,早晚會成 功。
The full text of Ma's speech from 中央日報 follows. I would like to urge everybody to use expressions that foster clear thinking. As a starter, please call 國民黨 中國國民黨, using its full name. If you want to use a shorter name, call it 中國黨.

KMT/馬英九:拿出行動,徹底改革(中常會致詞全文) 2009-12-09 22:56:46







 首先,這次選舉本黨表現不如理想,主要原因之一,就是高失業率與所得縮水所造成的民怨,而不是我們改革方向的錯誤。我們執政一年半以來,遭逢全 球金融海嘯的衝擊,經濟嚴重衰退,失業率急劇升高,民眾收入縮水,社會累積了許多民怨。雖然政府推動了許多劃時代的改革,包括穩定台灣金融、擴大公共建 設、改善兩岸關係、推動肅貪防弊以及完善社會福利等措施,可是這些改革大多不會立竿見影,都需要時間來顯現成果。雖然台灣迄今沒有一家銀行倒閉,股市也已 回升三千多點,但是失業率與所得水準仍然不佳,所以,在這個時刻打選戰,執政者自然比較吃力。可是,我們對未來深具信心,一年來扎根築底的改革工程,已經 逐步顯現效果,台灣經濟已經告別谷底,正在逐漸好轉,我們有把握,明年一定會更好。我們不會改變既有的政策方向,反而要加快推動改革的進程,同時要多向民 眾溝通與說明。

 第二個造成選舉結果不理想的原因,我們必須承認,有些民怨來自於政府不當的作為。政府部門推動政策時,在政策溝通、危機處理以及澄清疑慮方面, 做得確實不夠,必須檢討改進。例如處理「八八水災」與美國牛肉進口,雖然在稍後的芭瑪颱風的處理上,已有顯著改進,衛生署的「三管五卡」也使民眾所質疑的 美國牛絞肉與內臟迄今無人進口,但我們在先前危機處理與風險溝通上都嫌不足,自然引發不少民怨;相對的,半年來衛生署控制H1N1新流感疫情卻做得很好, 得到民眾的信任與社會肯定,楊署長也獲得民眾稱道。最近行政院吳院長特別重視「庶民經濟」,認為政府規劃、推動政策時,必須從民眾的角度來思考,才能貼近 民意,解決問題,這是一個正確的方向,我們今後會加強這一方面努力。

 第三個主要原因,就是黨員違紀競選,因為團結才能勝選,分裂一定遭致失敗。這次選舉在花蓮、新竹與金門等選區,本黨同志都有嚴重分裂的情況,結 果多數兩敗俱傷,大幅降低本黨得票率。我們的黨已經民主化多年,有一套民主的提名機制,遊戲規則當然應該遵守。可是,總有一些人違紀競選,憑良心說,我們 很痛苦,必須處分,不然往後誰還要參加初選呢?有些人批評我們開鍘太快,影響選情,這是沒有是非的講法,只要我們站得住理,提名程序公平、公正,該處分的 就要處分,不能模糊,不能鄉愿,否則就沒辦法贏得黨員同志的認同。這樣做也是「短空長多」,民主不等於散漫,也要講法治,不然黨會變成一盤散沙,希望各位 都能支持中央在黨紀處分方面的立場。

 第四,國民黨必須要認真改善體質與形象。過去幾個月,有四位黨籍立委因賄選案遭註銷資格,隨後中常委選舉又發生送禮請客事件,這些事情都傷害了 國民黨形象。後來10月11日選出的中常委全部自清請辭,並在11月14日補選,現在證明大家明快的決定是對的,如果拖下去,未來將難以收拾。這次選舉有 人提醒我們,檢調機關抓賄選不能太認真,否則會影響選情。但大家想想,抓賄選是「大是大非」,怎麼能有假期?又怎麼能分藍綠?

 國民黨是百年老店,有很多優點,但也有很多積習,當前本黨最迫切是要改善自身的體質,做到「選舉不買票,執政不貪污,問政不腐化」。不僅如此, 我們也要加強黨政平台的運作,儘速處理黨產,爭取泛藍、中間、與年輕選民的認同。有關賄選案件,選後希望檢調機關仍要秉持勿枉勿縱的原則,查辦下去。這次 選舉本黨有數十位候選人涉嫌賄選,被羈押或起訴,日前也有國民黨落選的鎮長候選人,持槍鬧事,對這些問題,我們都深感慚愧,必須向社會道歉。一旦判決確 定,我們一定會作出黨紀處分。



 像這次花蓮選舉,我們沒有提名傅崑萁委員,這是因為堅持制度與理想,結果本黨提名的同志輸了,這是不妥協所必須付出的代價,對此我們並不感到後 悔,因為我們有所堅持。再如我們反對政治介入司法,深信大家都贊成這樣做。可是真正落實了,就有不同意見。一年多來,對於陳前總統涉及的弊案,不少支持者 責怪我們辦得太慢,又怪我們沒有讓陳聰明檢察總長下台。另外一方面,很多綠營人士罵我們羈押陳前總統這麼久,侵犯人權。其實陳前總統的弊案是司法案件,總 統不能介入的,當然不會去介入。檢調辦案必須講求證據,不能隨部份輿論起舞。檢察總長有任期保障,這也是立法院通過的法律,沒有違法失職證據就拉他下台, 這是法治的社會嗎?掌握政治權力的人不介入司法,代表台灣真正的進步,卻被罵得很慘,說我故意討好綠營、怕事。我寧可挨罵,也不能介入;即使付出代價,也 在所不惜。我們執政的理想是要在台灣建立優質、正常的民主社會。道路雖然漫長,只要勇敢跨出去,早晚會成功。

 身為執政黨主席,面對選舉的結果,我們在17席縣市長中,贏了12席,比上屆選完之後多了一席,但比現在席次少了2席,同時得票率也下降,其中 原因何在?主要是因為剛才說的這些因素,使支持者不出來投票,有大量的泛藍支持者沒有出來投票,對此英九當然深感不安與自責,代表我們的努力還不夠,表現 不夠好,使支持者感到失望,沒有能夠爭取到足夠的認同,我也要以黨主席身分,向支持者表達歉意,並保證一定會大力改革,贏回支持者的信心與認同。



最後,我要再次感謝從中央到地方各級輔選同志的熱心投入;各位的辛勞,英九銘記在心。對於這場選戰熱心支持我們的選民,景氣這麼不好,大家還讓 我們的候選人在12個縣市執政,我們真是萬分感激。對於以往支持我們,但這次沒有出來投票或者改而支持其他陣營候選人的,我們一定虛心反省,今後要以推動 改革的成績,努力爭取這些選民以及更多選民的認同及支持。謝謝大家!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

指鹿為馬: 馬英九謙卑 但不准人民公投

不准人民公投獨裁. 獨裁 is not 謙卑. 不准人民公投, but still self-proclaim 謙卑 is a typical 指鹿為馬. I wrote about 指鹿為馬 in 中國國民黨 分分秒秒地 指鹿為馬:
Young kids probably don't know this Chinese logician/philosopher 殷海光 [1919-1969]. 曹長青 wrote about him:

This proves that KMT has not changed: what 殷海光 experienced up to 1969 was the same as what we experience in 2008. Let me emphasize that 指鹿為馬 only occurred once in ancient history. 指鹿為馬 is considered so shocking that it is unthinkable to imagine anyone not condemning it. But KMT does it every day through TVBS, UDN, Chinatimes, 特偵組, 馬英九, 李慶安, 王清峰, 邱毅, 蔡守訓, ... ad infinitum.
See for yourselves.

縣市長選舉落幕 馬英九謙卑感恩、徹底反省、推動改革

中央廣播電台 - ‎9 minutes ago‎
不過,國民黨主席馬英九在選後表示,國民黨這次在席次跟得票率方面都不理想,未來會以謙卑感恩的精神、徹底反省的態度,面對這次選舉所傳達的警訊。 在晚間大約9時半,馬英九和黨務主管一同現身記者會,發表對這次選舉結果的談話。國民黨在17個縣市中獲得12個縣市的執政 ...
鉅亨網 - 自由時報

花蓮敗選 馬英九:我們做對了

聯合新聞網 - ‎2 hours ago‎
馬總統晚間表示,面對這次選舉結果所傳遞的警訊,將以謙卑的心來徹底檢討;馬總統表示,在經濟不景氣、失業率如此高,選民還顧意給國民黨12縣市執政的肯定,選民對國民黨是十分的寬厚,國民黨充滿十分的感恩,他表示將會要求行政團隊落實提振經濟政策,努力改善大環境, ...

Friday, December 4, 2009

The improbable 中國國民黨, 翁重鈞 and 嘉義 voters

Not only does KMT/CCP forever treat Taiwanese as second class citizens, they are so contemptuous of Taiwan voters.
KMT/CCP news media printed such news today:
2009-12-04: 翁重鈞與中國國民黨中央政策執行長林益世等召開記者會,強調要抓賄選
How do KMT/CCP media, 翁重鈞 and 林益世 reconcile the above with this:
2009-11-26: 民進黨嘉義縣長候選人張花冠昨簽署反賄選宣言,「拿到賄選的錢,請把票投給對手」,如果選民拿到替她買票的錢,就投給翁重鈞。她並呼籲對手、國民黨提名的翁重鈞同樣也簽署,一起支持反賄選,但翁重鈞拒絕
KMT/CCP media, 翁重鈞 and 林益世 assume that voters are of such extreme low intelligence and/or sense of morality that
  • they have already forgotten that 翁重鈞 拒絕反賄選宣言, or
  • they cannot see that 翁重鈞反賄選 and 翁重鈞拒絕反賄選宣言 are contradiction in terms, or
  • voters don't care about logic. They can be easily bought.
翁重鈞 was right about 嘉義 voters in 2008 when he defeated 蔡啟芳 in legislative election with his vote-buying. I hope he is not right this time.

百里侯/嘉縣/防賄行動 翁重鈞組500人「抓鬼大隊」

NOWnews - ‎5小時之前‎
翁重鈞與國民黨中央政策執行長林益世等召開記者會,強調要抓賄選。(記者郭政隆) 嘉義縣長候選人翁重鈞4日表示,競選總部接獲反映,指有人將利用投票前夕,進行大規模買票,企圖逆轉選情,競選總部4日一早緊急商討對策,已組成500人「抓鬼大隊」,部署在每個鄉鎮市「抓 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2小時之前‎
前立法委員蔡啟芳,一日以「賄選受害人」身分,召開「反賄選」記者會,出面控訴去年與翁重鈞競選立委時,對方賄選卻「做賊喊抓賊」的卑劣手法;蔡啟芳強調,選前一周通常為國民黨「黃金買票周」,他呼籲地檢署應積極查賄,否則不排除選前一天,發動群眾包圍地檢署,向檢察 ...

Thursday, December 3, 2009


讓它能永遠剝奪 臺灣人的 公投權.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Taichung voters love criminals & lowlives such as 張宏年 胡志強

中市議長 張宏年:我啥人?



張宏年收賄無罪 勇檢上訴








但台中地院承審本案的合議庭法官陳得利、黃裕仁、何世全認為,檢方起訴張宏年對非主管事務貪污圖利罪,該罪構成要件有三,須違背法令、藉職權或身 分圖利自己或他人、牟取不法利益,認定張雖有圖利、牟取不法利益,但未違背法令,無法證明官員受關說施壓才發照,且發照過程合法,判張無罪,柯女則因取得 執照後經營賭博電玩被判有罪。
公訴檢察官陳信郎上訴反駁,張明知柯女取得電玩執照將經營賭博電玩,仍施壓市府發放執照,已違背法令涉犯包庇賭博罪,整體犯行就是對非主管事務 貪污圖利罪。原起訴檢察官陳怡龍也指出,監聽時,柯女曾對張說:「這一間店千萬就不能放…博弈條款要過了嘛。」可見張很清楚業者開違法賭博電玩店。


另 外,一審原認定張對發照過程無影響力,檢方則認為,市府二○○四年起未再發照,直到隔年底才通過張關照的兩張電玩執照,可見張因對市府有預算審核權,影響 力很大。胡志強昨說:「若每一年核照數都是零,在議會也會有壓力,那時已是年底,看到只有兩家來申請,又是合法申請,就批核。」



Sunday, November 29, 2009

馬英九怒斥民進黨亂講 開放大陸農產 加稅

全民怒斥馬英九亂講 633
全民怒斥馬英九亂講 燒成灰還是台灣人

I have more to say about 翁重鈞:
  • First, some comments about him from 曾韋禎:
    惡質立委 2008-09-24 00:44:10
    立委翁重鈞的惡質事蹟,我之前寫過一篇他當政治禿鷹,涉嫌勒索新瑞都案的往事。他這個人就是喜愛公器私用,之前為了農會捲舉私怨,挾召委職權,天天排赴農委會考察,搞的公務員人仰馬翻,他居然還說這是「行使應有的職權」。去年底,客委會主委李永得也不堪其 - 曾韋禎的部落格 - 新聞評論
    為什麼蔡啟芳會輸? 2008-01-17 00:42:47
    得出來蔡啟芳明顯優於翁重鈞,如果有人執意認為翁比較好,那相信我,那個人一定是個智障。 翁重鈞陣營買票買多誇張呢?目前被抓到有13件,全國之冠,被起訴也有2件。不過腦殘的檢察官居然相信樁腳說的「因為欠翁重鈞人情,所以自己出錢幫翁重鈞買票 - 曾韋禎的部落格 - 新聞評論
    這款的立委 2007-12-19 00:14:43
    專家自居的國民黨立委翁重鈞,近來被客委會主委李永得指控拿預算綁架官員,要脅補助。事實上,翁重鈞這類政治禿鷹的惡劣作風,已非第一次,早在新瑞都案爆發時,與此案毫無關係的翁重鈞也因有政治勒索之嫌,捲入此案。當時位於高雄縣湖內鄉的新瑞都開發案,橫 - 曾韋禎的部落格 - 新聞評論
  • I have not heard anything about his contribution as a congressman. Have you?
  • In addition to being notorious himself, he has the support of the most unethical man Ma Ying-Jeou.
What kind of person can support 翁重鈞?


選前超級星期六,馬英九昨晚不但在嘉義縣市連趕兩場造勢晚會,他還在國民黨嘉義縣長候選人翁重鈞競選造勢大會上更承諾,絕不會開放大陸農產品進口,指民進黨、地下電臺說簽ECFA後大陸農產品大舉進口是“黑白講”(亂講)。 據台灣《中國時報》報道,馬英九還駁斥蔡英文、張 ...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

江丙坤 does not recognize Taiwan as a country

降格 (downgrading) is too mild a word for what he did. After 江丙坤 downgrades Taiwan to 台灣區, is Taiwan still a country?

Traitors worldwide look to their Taiwanese counterparts with envy. Elsewhere, traitors are locked up, tried by the judicial system, hung or shot. In Taiwan, traitors are elected president or made top negotiator.

署名台灣區總會長發函催票 綠轟江丙坤降格

自由時報 - ‎4小時之前‎
〔記者林明宏、蘇永耀、林恕暉/綜合報導〕出身南投的海基會董事長江丙坤,日前發信給旅外南投鄉親,為競選連任的國民黨縣長候選人李朝卿催票,但名稱卻是用「台灣區」南投縣同鄉會聯合總會總會長名義;南投出身的民進黨立委蔡煌瑯痛斥,江丙坤身為兩岸談判代表的海基會 ...

美國智庫對中國人的15條評論, an addendum

I would like to contribute to this 美國智庫對中國人的15條評論 with a simple observation. Chinese, as a people, impress me most strongly in one fundamental way:
They do not respect fair play. They want others to be fair, but they believe they should have advantages over others. When they don't, they try to gain unfair advantages over others.
  • Chinese hate Japanese because they think of Japan's territorial ambition over and invasion of China in WWII as unjust. On the other hand, Chinese feel justified to have territorial ambition over and invasion of Tibet, East Turkistan and Taiwan.
  • CCP in China and Chinese KMT in Taiwan are entitled to privileges over others. The fact that there is no election in China invites a simple question: where and how does CCP obtain the power to govern? Answer: institutionalized violence! Chinese KMT never allows Taiwanese proper referendum rights and will hold on to its unfair colonist advantages over Taiwanese forever.
  • In the following video, Chinese KMT blatantly boasted how it designed special exams to grant Chinese elites extreme unfair advantages. Ma Ying-Jeou has been a beneficiary of such unfair advantages all his life. 2010-01-06-頭家來開講-6

  • CCP and KMT own judicial system so they have unfair advantages over opponents. There cannot be fairness when a particular party has the power to judge and persecute others, and protect its own.
  • An unfair election is like an unfair or rigged ball game. KMT allows elections, but does anything possible to gain unfair advantages. The well known techniques include: using the judicial system to openly protect KMT candidates' vote-buying and harass their opponents; institutionalized vote-buying such as 18% interest rate for KMT preferred groups; brainwashing voters with fabricated polls such as Ma Ying Jeou 65%, Frank Hsieh 15%; creating gambling environment to bet KMT to win, thus enticing gamblers to bet and campaign for KMT.
It is perhaps with this insight that Chinese people do not need fairness that CCP declares, time and again, that there will never be democracy in China. See for example: China: Democracy Won't Come Here.


  1.中國人缺乏誠信和社會責任感。中國人不瞭解他們作為社會個體應該對國家和社會所承擔的責任和義務。普通中國人通常只關心他們的家庭和親屬,中國 的文化是建立在家族血緣關係上而不是建立在一個理性的社會基礎之上。中國人只在乎他們直系親屬的福祉,對與自己毫不相關的人所遭受的苦難則視而不見。毫無 疑問,這種以血緣關係為基礎的道德觀勢必導致自私,冷酷,這種自私和冷酷已經成為阻礙中國社會向前發展的最關鍵因素。

  2.中國從來就沒有成為一個法制社會,因為中國人的思維方式與守法行為格格不入。中國人老想走捷徑。他們不明白這樣一個事實:即成就來自於努力 工作和犧牲。中國人傾向於索取而不是給予。他們需要明白一個道理:生活的真諦不在於你索取多少而在於你能給予社會和你的人類同胞多少。

  3.大多數中國人從來就沒有學到過什麼是體面和尊敬的生活意義。中國人普遍不懂得如何為了個人和社會的福祉去進行富有成效的生活。潛意識裡,中 國人視他們的生活目的就是抬高自己從而獲得別人的認知。這樣一來,一個人就會對“保有面子”這樣微不足道慾望感到滿足。“面子”是中國人心理最基本的組成 部分,它已經成為了中國人難以克服的障礙,阻礙中國人接受真理並嘗試富有意義的生活。這個應受譴責的習性使得中國人生來就具有無情和自私的特點,它已成為 中國落後的主要原因。


  5.中國人習慣接受廉價和免費的事物,他們總是夢想奇跡或者好運,因為他們不願意付出努力,他們總想不勞而獲。很少有中國人明白一個事實:威望 和成就是通過一步步努力的工作和犧牲實現的,不付出就沒有所得。簡單來說,如果是為了謀生,那一個人只有去索取;但如果是為了生活,一個人必須要去奉獻。



  8.中國大規模生產的便宜產品降低了鍵入這些產品的地區的商業信用度。由於技術落後,管理失敗,中國製造的單位能耗要比發達國家如日本、美國高 出很多。因此,隨著出口額的增加,中國在擴大生產的同時喪失著寶貴的能源。同時,這種行為也嚴重地污染了環境,使中國變為全世界最不適宜人類居住的國家。

  9.目前中國正在遭受著資本主義社會兩大邪惡的折磨,環境的破壞與人性的喪失。由於中國人天生的貪婪的本性,他們可以毫無保留的接受資本主義的 陰暗面即無止境追求物質利益、忽視人的尊嚴。中國人對西方的技術與產品狂熱追求卻對西方管理文化所強調的坦率、直接、誠實這些品質漠不關心。

  10.由於中國文化不鼓勵敢於冒險這種優良品質,所以中國人極力避免冒險,他們也不想尋求機會來改善自己的生活。中國人對於生活的平衡性和意義 性並不感興趣,相反他們更執迷於對物質的索取,這點上要遠遠勝於西方人。大多數中國人發現他們不懂得“精神靈性”、“自由信仰”以及“心智健康”這樣的概 念,因為他們的思想尚不能達到一個生命(補:即肉體和靈性的並存)存在的更高層次。他們的思想還停留在專注於動物本能對性和食物那點貪婪可憐的慾望上。

  11.在中國人的眼中,受教育不是為了尋求真理或者改善生活質量,而只是身份和顯赫地位的象徵和標誌。中國的知識分子從別人那裡得到尊敬並不是 因為他們為了別人的幸福做過什麼,而只是因為他們獲得佔有了相當的知識。事實上,他們中的大多數只不過是一群僅僅通曉考試卻從不關心真理和道德的食客。


  13.中國可以培養出大批的高級人才,但卻很少可以培養出合格的可以獨立主持的管理級專家。服務於一個公司或者社會,光有技術是不夠的;還需要 有勇氣、膽量、正直和誠實的領導才能,這恰恰是大多數中國人所缺少的品性。正如亞瑟·史密斯(一位著名的西方傳教士)一個世紀前所指出的,中國人最缺乏的 不是智慧,而是勇氣和正直的純正品性。這個評價,雖然歷經百年,如今依舊準確診斷出中國綜合症的原因。




Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chinese urges Taiwanese to defend freedom
But many Taiwanese can't care less

[All emphases are mine. My comments are indented.]

Yuan urges Taiwanese to defend democracy and freedom
eTaiwan News
By Hermia Lin

The Chinese Communist Party could turn democratic Taiwan into a political slave of its authoritative regime in the year 2012 by infiltrating
the local media, economy and academia, said Chinese author Yuan Hongbing in his book "Taiwan Disaster."
This has been going on and has been accelerating since Ma was elected president in 2008.

Yuan, along with several renowned Taiwanese scholars including Chiu Jung-chu, director of the Graduate Institute of National Development at National Taiwan University, Ming Chu-cheng, a political science professor at National Taiwan University, Lee Yeau-tarn, a professor of National Development at National Chengchi University, Tsai Chang-yen, a professor of East Asian Culture and Development at National Taiwan Normal University, and Hsu Szu-chien, an assistant research fellow at the Preparatory Office of the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica, participated in Yuan's book launch and seminar in Taipei yesterday on the disaster awaiting Taiwan in 2012.

"A calamity is approaching," Yuan said in his book. "The CCP, working with the Kuomintang, is using its political, economic and cultural influence to imprison free Taiwan." He urged professors and scholars of the island to help reverse this fate.

Most people, including most professors and scholars remain silent. Worse, there are many CCP/KMT collaborators.

Yuan cited information gathered in China that 2012 could be the year when China takes over Taiwan without the use of military force.

Yuan said at yesterday's book launch that he met some obstacles when finding publishers for his new book in Taiwan, expressing worry that the book may be banned in the island. He said that the reason why the book terrifies people is because it reveals the truth of Taiwan's fate.

"If the book is banned, it is one of the indicators that Taiwan's democracy is going downhill," he said, "only by Taiwanese people's strong will to defend its democracy and freedom can they help fight against the upcoming disaster."

Last year during a visit here, the former president of Guizhou Teachers' College Law School said that Beijing convened a high-level meeting soon after Ma won the presidential election in May to form its Taiwan strategy.

He said China would offer Taiwan some benefits to show "goodwill" and help Ma win a second term and was prepared to expand political, economic and cultural exchanges. China would try not to confront Ma before 2012, Yuan said, but during Ma's second term, Beijing would bring highly political issues to the table and attempt to push Taiwan into a unification framework.

Yuan was an advocate of the rule of law and freedom in China. He was persecuted following the crackdown on China's pro-democracy movement in 1989.

In March 1994, he was arrested at Beijing University and secretly transferred to Guizhou and detained there for about six months.

Yuan escaped China in 2004 and now lives in Australia, where he is a voice for Chinese democracy.

In Taiwan, many buffaloes identify with lions

Response to this amazing video
Buffalo survives lion attack
Total Views: 47,577,174
115,802 ratings, exclusively 5-star
as of 2009-11-22

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My country Taiwan



Monday, November 9, 2009

You should never vote KMT/CCP unless

  • You and your children don't mind being second-class citizens under Chinese communist and Chinese nationalist rule. You don't mind losing freedom, human dignity and lives, like Tibetans.
  • You don't mind KMT spending taxpayers' (your) money but refusing to tell you how, how much and where the money is spent. KMT people give themselves raises when citizens are suffering and they give Chinese special privileges.
  • You enjoy living in a world in which 指鹿為馬 is a way of life.
  • You accept a President Ma Ying-Jeou whose daughters are American citizens and who himself is an American permanent resident. After you elected him president, he started refusing to recognize your country Taiwan.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Taiwanese hate Ma Ying-Jeou
Ma Ying-Jeou scared of Taiwanese


人民嗆馬 警刀片蛇籠伺候

Who is sicker? II

A reader commented on my last entry:

Who is sicker?
台灣前教育部長曾志朗 calls Taiwanese Chinese
His son thinks chicken has 6 legs

as follows:
I know there were some issues about 曾志朗. But for this particular "6 legs issue" I didn't see Tseng calling Taiwanese Chinese. It is the author of the Asia-Pacific News who used the term "Chinese student" in the report.

And, from the news report, Tseng's son (and his American classmates) thought chicken has 6 legs when he
was attending school in the USA. I am not sure it is necessary to relate this "6 legs issue" with "Chinese college kid".

雞有6條腿 宅男與真實脫節

更新日期:2009/11/08 04:09


生命教育 助年輕人重返世界



I am grateful for the comment. It is true that in this Liberty Times report 台灣前教育部長曾志朗 did not bemoan

the fact that many Chinese youths spend their days sealed off from the real world, interacting with the outside almost exclusively via computer.
(as in the Asia-Pacific News report), but neither can I draw any conclusion from the Liberty Times report that he did not say such outrageous things.

I find it objectionable that Asia-Pacific News report omitted many important details.

We should protest until 曾志朗 or Asia-Pacific News step forward to make corrections.

Who is sicker?
台灣前教育部長曾志朗 calls Taiwanese Chinese
His son thinks chicken has 6 legs

Son's six-legged chicken project worries Taiwanese minister

Asia-Pacific News

Nov 7, 2009, 13:34 GMT

Taipei - Taiwan's young are too sheltered, bemoans a member of Taiwanese government. One has to look no further than his son, who seems to think chickens have six legs, he says.

Speaking at a seminar on education, former education minister Tzeng Chih-lang, currently a minister without portfolio, bemoaned the fact that many Chinese youths spend their days sealed off from the real world, interacting with the outside almost exclusively via computer.

As an example, he pointed to his university-age son who, during a group project, designed an animated chicken with six legs - apparently under the mistaken assumption that real chickens have six legs because grocery stores sell drumsticks in packs of six.

Comment: jumbo chickens from Costo can have 48 legs.
'This is an example of what happens when our young people are obsessed with the virtual world. So it it the task of educators to pull them back into the real world,' Tzeng said.

Tzeng's son reportedly flunked the assignment.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ma Ying-Jeou: 2008, 2009 and 2010

2010-01-21: Interview with Taipei Times


自由時報 2009-12-31

Reuters News 2009-11-02

I am looking for a picture of Ma Ying-Jeou that made so many women in Taiwan shriek, pass out and vote him president. Please leave an URL in a comment.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

艾文: A beautiful song about Ma's evil and incompetence





有一個阿九真猴走 人人攏ㄛ絡足緣投
不知按怎伊什麼攏不會 代誌攏看報紙才知道

有一件代誌我想未曉 幾十萬特別費逐個月入戶頭
阿九猶原儉到凍未條 伊講破衫破褲破襪仔都愛補到齊

大家做伙游水慢跑 管伊風颱大水流
大家騎鐵馬趴趴走 內褲e記得愛脫掉

阿九e政黨吃人夠夠 選舉講伊攏準備好
騙咱e鄉親一票又一票 結果做甲是咪咪冒冒

阿九e English真正猴 伊曾留學專門打報告
為獎學金拿綠卡甘有人會信道 咱得不通Cynical厚道

大家做伙喊口號 馬上好變做馬上倒
大家做伙喊口號 633一任做未到
大家做伙喊口號 股市萬點來起跳
大家做伙喊口號 兩萬點嘛是剛剛好

有一個阿九真甲肖 選舉講會甲台灣顧條條
選後隨甲台灣拿丟掉 順便招阿共仔來入戶口

大家做伙喊口號 別人e仔死未了
大家做伙喊口號 不通插國旗也袜當放台灣歌謠
大家做伙喊口號 聽到甘袜目屎流
聽到甘袜目屎流 聽到甘袜目屎流

A beautiful 3-min video records KMT's atrocities

This youTube video, released on 10/30/2009, has been viewed 104,523 times in three days. For more statistics about the video, see Statistics & Data.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

蘇起: Safety was only concern in the U.S. beef talks

蘇起 lied through his teeth in the following Taiwan News report. Listen to his utter nonsense in LFY:
"There were three principles (during the talks), the first one was safety, the second one was safety, and the third one was more safety,"
If indeed nothing else other than safety matters, then just don't import new beef products!

Ma Ying-Jeou found another incredible scapegoat in
Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang, who was not involved in the talk or decision making:
Department of Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang tendered his resignation Wednesday morning after President Ma Ying-jeou said the Cabinet member bore responsibility for the beef accord. Premier Wu Den-yih turned him down after 20 minutes of talks, reports said.
Ma Ying-Jeou is turning Taiwan into Tibet, but he said:
Later, Ma and Wu said the government would not sacrifice the people's health in return for diplomatic favors. "We will not take our people's health to use as a bargaining chip in talks with other countries," Ma told a crowd at a ruling Kuomintang event yesterday.
To quote Jerome Keating: are Taiwanese blind?
Taiwan News report follows.

The opposition lawmakers want Su to resign for causing concerns

Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Page 1
2009-10-29 12:00 AM

+ Enlarge This image
Opposition DPP lawmakers hold up a banner reading "Ma to apologize, Su to step down,' in an attempt to stop National Security Council Secretary-General Su Chi from speaking yesterday as they regard him as responsible for the decision to let in potentially risky U.S. beef.
Central News Agency
Safety was the only principle used during 17 months of talks with the U.S. about the import of its beef into Taiwan, National Security Council Secretary-General Su Chi said yesterday.

Su has borne the brunt of the blame for closing a deal with Washington last week allowing the import of bone-in beef and other beef products allegedly carrying the risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease.

Appearing at the Legislative Yuan yesterday to reply to questions from lawmakers, he rejected demands from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party to reopen talks with Washington.

"Reopening negotiations will have a deep influence on our international credibility," he said.

He denied there had been no bargaining about conditions for the opening up. Media reports speculated that Washington would agree to reopen talks on a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement with Taiwan, to extradite Taiwanese fugitives from the law and to introduce a visa waiver for Taiwanese travelers if the island allowed the import of the beef products.

"There were three principles (during the talks), the first one was safety, the second one was safety, and the third one was more safety," Su said, adding that no single person or government department was responsible for the final result of the negotiations.

The DPP said Su should resign because he was the brain behind the government's decision to give in to Washington. The official said he could not have been solely in charge because he didn't understand enough about beef. He also denied that the government had just followed orders from President Ma Ying-jeou to give in. The U.S. is a friend of Taiwan, but the country must still rely on itself, he said. The government took more than a year of investigations into the safety of the beef and sent inspectors and experts to the U.S. to have a look at the local situation, Su said. A majority of the specialists agreed the beef was safe, a small group disagreed, and some were neutral, he said. Su also repeated government assertions that Taiwan was not being more lenient than other countries such as South Korea, where the import of U.S. beef caused widespread protests early last year.

Su accused the DPP administration of former President Chen Shui-bian of having been willing to open up the import of bone-in beef without any preconditions. If last week's accord had been the result of a collective decision by the government, then the whole government should resign, DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen said.

Department of Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang tendered his resignation Wednesday morning after President Ma Ying-jeou said the Cabinet member bore responsibility for the beef accord. Premier Wu Den-yih turned him down after 20 minutes of talks, reports said.

Later, Ma and Wu said the government would not sacrifice the people's health in return for diplomatic favors. "We will not take our people's health to use as a bargaining chip in talks with other countries," Ma told a crowd at a ruling Kuomintang event yesterday.

Premier Wu Den-yih praised Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin a day after the latter launched an alliance of restaurants and stores refusing to sell the newly imported meat products.

On the ground, more local governments issued measures to counter public distrust, including requiring clearer labeling and thorough testing. In Taoyuan County, health inspectors visited supermarkets to tell managers they would face fines if they failed to add the country of origin to beef products after November 6, cable station TVBS reported. In Pingtung County, cattle farmers protested against government policies, saying they would lead to consumers turning away from all beef, including meat from Taiwan.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Premier's nickname is Liar
吳敦義: 白賊義 白賊七

  1. pfge's blog: 吳敦義白賊就該下台

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  2. 白賊七馬英九白賊吳敦義-吳敦義澄清香港行,你覺得能接受嗎?- Yahoo ...

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    2009年9月20日 ... 所言皆虛,所為皆弊。這就是馬英九跟吳敦義的最佳寫照。 國民黨就像日本自民黨,滾啊!滾啊!滾下台。 白賊七馬英九 白賊吳敦義 白賊七馬英九 白賊... - Cached - Similar -
  3. 吳敦義立院處女秀綠營:白賊義要說真話_台灣_新聞中心_僑報网

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  4. Video results for 吳敦義 白賊

  5. News results for 吳敦義 白賊

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    〔記者邱燕玲/台北報導〕行政院長吳敦義九月五日上任前密訪香港,是否動支立委任內 ... 蘇震清要吳揆說清楚,否則難脫「白賊義」封號。吳揆又搬出對前高市長王玉雲的 ...
    自由時報 - 193 related articles »
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  15. NOWnews【重點新聞】立院開議/白賊聲中低頭報告吳敦義:我不會想一統武林

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  18. MSN 台灣新聞- 立院開議/白賊聲中低頭報告吳敦義:我不會想一統武林

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  19. 漢語人行道:演變風貌: 「白賊吳敦義紅旗的海洋

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  20. 政治- 〈快訊〉被稱「白賊義」 吳敦義:不會介意- PChome 新聞

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  21. 多餘| 白賊九週記

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