Monday, January 11, 2010

From Taidung 台東: the state of the Taiwan nation

In my mind, Taiwanese need to try exceedingly hard to prevent Taiwan from being turned into Tibet.

The statistics of the 2009-01-09 election in Taidung 台東 is shocking.
  • 投票率 39.44%
This means more than 60% of the voters did not care enough to vote. If they feel they are in danger, will they vote? Of course they will. So, this low 39.44% turnout shows that the voters have no clue what kind of danger they and their offspring are in. This is frightening enough. Now, look at how they voted:
  • 投票數: DPP: 23,190
    KMT: 21,215

This means 20% of eligible voters came out to support Chinese KMT which is openly and actively turning Taiwan into Tibet. On top of that these voters voted a Chinese KMT candidate for Congress who is infamous as unethical and incompetent. Only about 20% of the voters cared enough to vote and voted against the Chinese KMT.

80% of Taiwanese in Taidung helped to make their offspring be ruled by CCP and lose all their freedom. Isn't that absurd and disgusting?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

中國國民黨立委: 反對 政策透明化
反對 官員利益迴避
反對 公投
支持 中國壓迫臺灣人民

Soon 中國國民黨立委 will propose that Sun rise from the west and Taiwanese stop breathing.

ECFA專案報告 綠委提案全遭藍委否決 【1/4 12:30】



民進黨立委還提案,政府擬與中國進行ECFA協商,應先經由公民投票,取得人民直接授權後,始得進行相關協商;並要求應先與亞洲鄰近主要國家或東協,完成 簽訂一項自由貿易協定後,始得與中國就ECFA進行協商;明文納入中國不得阻礙我國與東協國家、歐美國家等國家或國際組織,簽訂自由貿易協定,以及不得阻 礙我國加入國際組織等條款。但這些也都被國民黨立委否決。


Friday, January 1, 2010

白冰冰: 挺鄺麗貞選立委
Why is 鄺麗貞 qualified as a congressman?

Taiwanese don't know what a congressman is. That is why 白冰冰 can promote 鄺麗貞 to voters as a congressman candidate without knowing why 鄺麗貞 is even qualified as one. Voters should challenge 白冰冰 with some simple questions:
  • What qualifies 鄺麗貞 as a congressman? Her knowledge, wisdom, integrity, or her look?
  • You 白冰冰 campaigned for the proven disaster Ma Ying-Jeou. Why should we trust your recommendation this time?
  • If we elect 鄺麗貞, a buddy of Ma Ying-Jeou, wouldn't we be helping Ma Ying-Jeou and deepen our misery?
See also Legislative Yuan: absurdity to the max.

立委補選/挺鄺麗貞選立委 白冰冰拜票台東走透透

(2010/01/02 11:01)





