Friday, July 30, 2010

可以吸毒氣 喝臭水 淋酸雨
呼吸困難 經歷癌症生不如死的折磨
生育智障兒 歧形兒

台灣人把錢看得比自己和子孫的 生存和將來,  比自己生存的土地環境國家  都來得重要.  你知道為什麼嗎?

  • 很多人還沒經歷這樣的痛苦.  他們沒有智慧去了解這樣的痛苦, 直到他們不幸也生了智障兒,  呼吸困難, 得癌, 或者像西藏人一樣被中國人凌辱.
  • 在他們開始經歷痛苦前, 別人的痛苦對他們是不關痛癢的.  台灣人有一個最傳神最自私的俗語:  別人的小孩死不完!

BBC: UN declares clean water a 'fundamental human right'

Pakistani children pump water from a well in the capital, Islamabad - 21 June 2010 Many people around the world have little or no access to clean drinking water
The UN has declared that access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right.
About 1.5m children under five die each year from water and sanitation-related diseases.
The resolution was passed with 122 nations in favour, none against and 41 abstentions.
Abstaining countries said the resolution could undermine a process in the UN's Human Rights Council in Geneva to build a consensus on water rights.

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The text of the resolution said that 884m people have no access to safe drinking water and more than 2.6bn lack access to basic sanitation.
It "declares the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of the right to life".
It urges the international community to "scale up efforts to provide safe, clean, accessible and affordable water and sanitation for all".
Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and Botswana were among the countries which abstained from voting.
China, Russia, Germany, France, Spain and Brazil were among those supporting the resolution.
Portuguese lawyer Catarina de Albuquerque is due to report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva next year on countries' obligations related to water and sanitation.
US delegate John Sammis said the resolution "falls far short of enjoying the unanimous support of member states and may even undermine the work underway in Geneva".
Some countries said the resolution did not clearly define the scope of the new human right and the obligations it entailed, says the BBC's Barbara Plett, at the UN in New York.

    Wednesday, July 28, 2010


    一個科技大學應該做人民的模範, 教民眾邏輯地思考, 教他們不迷信.  國立雲林科技大學卻正相反.   何不開幾門風水課, 或在物理課講聖經?  化學教授得了心肌梗塞或癌症, 就去看巫師, 喝符水.   如果能把校名改為雲林風水大學, 那麼即便雲林變成台塑石化城, 大家天天吸毒氣, 死亡人數也會節節下降. 

    6教授病逝 雲科大拆「陰刻」招牌

    聯合新聞網 - ‎2010年7月21日‎
    國立雲林科技大學最近九個月內接連有六位老師死於心肌梗塞或癌症,其中五人正值四十到五十歲壯年,教職員間議論紛紛,甚至覺得毛毛的。有人懷疑和大門校名用「陰刻」字體有關,因「陰刻與雲科」發音相近,校方正把大門校名改為陽刻,被解讀是為改風水、去噩運。 ...